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i hang around中文是什么意思

用"i hang around"造句"i hang around"怎么读"i hang around" in a sentence


  • 徘徊


  • I hung around until helen had to go to the washroom .
  • At last the commissioner returned, but he had pressing engagements, and i hung around several days more before he could see me .
  • I hung around for an hour but she didn ' t come
  • You mind if i hang around here for a whiie
  • I like ugly boys . whyyou think i hang around y ' all
  • I go to all kinds of places . laughter and applause i don t just hang around here . i m happy to see you , but i hang around everywhere
  • " women are saying , ' i ' m not ready , i want to work for a while , the guys i hang around with don ' t make enough money and they don ' t want a commitment , ' " christopher jencks , a professor of social policy at harvard said
  • Next day tom stole a pewter spoon and a brass candlestick in the house , for to make some pens for jim out of , and six tallow candles ; and i hung around the nigger cabins and laid for a chance , and stole three tin plates
  • I hung around the " lucky drawing " box containing paper slips printed with the english and chinese titles of the celestial jewelry . it was fun watching fellow initiates draw out all sorts of name slips . a new initiate drew a slip marked " god s children , " and a childish bashfulness flashed across his face
    我逗留在放了天饰中英文圣名的签箱旁边,看同修抽各式各样的签儿有个新同修抽到上帝的小孩,脸上露出孩儿般腆腆的表情,也有个长得很像et外星人的同修抽到幽浮ufo ,我忍不住在心中偷笑,另外还有一位老外师兄在一旁教大家正确的英文发音,把天饰的英文正确地念出来!
用"i hang around"造句  
i hang around的中文翻译,i hang around是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译i hang around,i hang around的中文意思,i hang around的中文i hang around in Chinesei hang around的中文i hang around怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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